Monday, September 8, 2008


Today we arrived in the Holy Land!! it took a very long time of traveling but we did it!! woo! Audrey had a very "enjoyably" ride with us on the van up, and by enjoyable i mean nauseating. the driver was honked at about twelve times and completely didnt know where he was going... i mean if were going to get someone to drive us to New York cant we at least get someone who knows how to get there?? craziness... So after being stuck in traffic with this crazy driver for about five hours we finally got to the airport, late of course, only to wait on line for another two hours to get our plane tickets! Finally after finding out my suitcase was 10 kilos overweight (thats 22 pounds for us non-metric folk) we headed towards the line for security. We shared our tearful goodbyes with our mom's and Audrey (only to find out later hey went to an awsome chinese resturant after they left with a 43 foot long fish tank!). As we ventured towards the gate we run into other machon maayan-ers and went on our merry way!
The plane ride to Israel was fun, since we got to meet new people but it was very uncomfortable on the plane. Usally the planes are freezing, but our flight felt like over 80 degrees! I didnt sleep a wink, so if while I'm writing this i drift into nonesense its because im really really really tired.
Thankfully the plane finally landed leaving us to deal with our ginormous bags... which leads me to our first *ahem* molehill. We gathered together around the baggage claim helping all the diffrent seminary girls to grab their suitcase before the travelled a third time around and around. We waited till they were no more bags left on the baggage claim and alas, two of Amalia's suitcases were missing.
Apparently El-Al had left 100 bags of the plane because there were just too many or made the plane too heavy. But we continued onward in order to find Rabbi K and the other machon maayan people... which we did.
we packed our stuff onto the buses and drove to Bet Shemesh! We arrived just in time to find our luggage by our house and to pass out on our beds...

-Sara Laya

1 comment:

lilgaktak25 said...

ahh!!! so you are in israel! mazal tov! how is it? have you seen kel? anyways- i'm so happy that thank G-d you guys got there safely. and tell amalia that i understand her pain- i lost my bags for four days!! (at least you didnt get lost in germany)
miss you!!